Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Dunno yet, waiting on the answers to a couple questions:

1)    Is it safe to run a blog like this?
2)    Is it ethical to run a blog like this?
3)    Is my outer going to keep sharing the URL to this blog with people who know me personally?
4)    Do I even want to run a blog like this?

My relationship to my art is changing quite rapidly at the moment.  I used to think my art would sit, quiet and obedient, speaking only to the people I wanted, saying only what I told it to say.  Art does none of those things.  Art's unpredictable disobedience makes this enterprise quite risky, professionally, personally, legally, ethically.

If I do decide to continue, I'll have to do it differently.  I originally thought the blog would be noticed only by members of a specific BDSM community, for whom the border between fantasy and reality is as meaningful and unignorable as the boundary between sidewalk and street.  I now know better.

I'm sure other outings will occur if I continue, and in any case, individual pictures here are 100% likely to eventually leak outside of the scene.  That means I would need to make this blog in anticipation of those who know me professionally and personally, those who might take legal action against me, and those (including myself, I suppose) whose unethical tendencies may be bolstered by the ideas within.

If I decide to continue, I will need to make this a place of education and safety, as well as a home for unconventional masturbation fodder.

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